It's the first day of Spring here in Australia and it's my Wedding Anniversary so here are some florals on florals on florals from an old Vogue Living article to celebrate...
Make sure to watch our cutsy and modest little video for the Etsy Handmade Moment contest. Last day is today! Thank you to everyone who has already watched it!!!!
This little old fisherman's cottage {bottom image} is one I've often admired on my morning walks over at Straddie. I think this house has so much potential and when you look at the top image you might possibly agree with me?!
I love my new shoes! Matt loves seeing me in my new shoes! I love how I got them at bargain prices... Matt agrees! Kelsi Dagger heels in mauve with faux snake skin. Very pinup shape. Banfi Zambrelli Lottie heels. Amazingly comfortable. Both snagged on Gilt Groupe (I never could have afforded them otherwise). You can join HERE.
Off to second beach for some photos! There were so many people there to see the huge waves we were getting from Hurricane Bill. Luckily I was able to put people in spots that were beach goer free! Looks like we have the beach to ourselves!
the ladies...
Bouquet throwing is my new favorite thing right now.
The whole gang
Love it! But don't go too far guys! Those waves are crazy!
Almost got them! Thankfully they are quick on their feet!
Patrick and Jennette were fast with the posing. They kept me on my toes!
Second beach is also referred to as Surfer's Beach... Hence the surf board...
Here's Patrick writing "PB + J" in the sand! I love that! They should have had Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches for dinner at the reception! Maybe not...
So cute!
40 Steps at the Cliffwalk. Another crowded spot but we were able to work around the people.
Romantical! (Spell check says this isn't a word, but it so is!)
How cute are they?
We were all over the place! It's fun to get some variety in the photos!
Another one of Jennette and Patrick's poses! I didn't have to direct them at all!
Thankfully we had four flower girls to hold Jennette's dress on the way back from the bridge. Every bride needs this sort of service.
Let's not forget our ring bearer, RJ! Man, he is cute!
First Dance.
There were some very heartfelt toasts given about these two. I love this part of the evening. It can be very emotional. I've been known to tear up during a toast or two.
Glen Manor and blue light! Two great tastes that go great together!
Oooohhh! Jennette in the spotlights with that amazing veil!
Patrick was twirling Jennette around all over the place! It was adorable. They were having the best time.
I guess these guys thought someone should pick up Patrick as well!
Classic Glen
Friends and Family, if you'd like to register to see the rest of Jennette and Patrick's ph